Did you know that an average of 105 snow-producing storms affect the continental United States each year? While we all can use a snow day once in a while, homeowners can agree that lawns face a considerable amount of damage during the winter.

The salt that is used to de-ice paths and roads, quietly wreaks havoc on landscapes during the winter, but often this isn’t detected until summer. Beautiful blankets of white snow are peeled back to reveal ugly brown patches of grass that are not only unsightly, but also unhealthy. Fear not, there is a way to repair and even prevent damage from taking place.

Protip: Resist the urge to cut your grass really short before the first snow. Instead, leave it 3-4 inches long.

First, determine the source of the damage.  Is the salt, ice, or even the snow ruining your yard? If it is the snow, consider shoveling a snow pile elsewhere. If you have salt damage, try looking for salt-free de-icing alternatives. Lastly, if water or ice is the cause, planting more dirt in the damaged area is a safe bet.

Protip: Consider re-seeding your lawn right before winter ends. Take care to remove any dead material and leaves that may have accumulated.

For homeowners looking to plant new flora and fauna, experts suggest choosing salt-resistant plants. If you already have deep-rooted plants and shrubbery, you can construct raised beds for the plants and/or erect protective fences. Finally, make sure to thoroughly water everything after the winter so as to separate the salts from the topsoil.

By the time spring rolls around, you’ll be able to declare yourself a true winter survivor and turn those winter woes into springtime solace!

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