As the temperature outside becomes moderate, many people turn off their HVACs (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) and open their windows to enjoy the fresh air. This is the best time of year to do any major HVAC maintenance since you will have a brief period before you will need to use it. Summer will bring extreme heat and humidity, and your unit should be prepared to keep your house cool. fred understands this and is here to provide some advice on how to perform proper spring HVAC maintenance.

Change the Filter


Changing the filter for your HVAC is more of a year-round task. You should be changing your filter every month to ensure proper airflow. If you leave a filter in for too long, it will become blocked and your HVAC will need to run longer to keep your home cool, which will raise electricity costs and potentially cause the unit to overheat.

Maintain Drainage


All HVAC’s have a drain to eliminate condensate that builds up. If the drainage is blocked, your unit could fall victim to internal freezing, which can cause it to fail. To avoid this, make sure to check the drain’s opening and remove any algae buildup that’s in the way. It’s a really quick task, and will save you from a lot of headaches later on.

Clean Indoor Components


Inspect and clean the indoor components of your HVAC to make sure everything is working properly. Look at your system’s blower fans, coils, ducts, and control panels for any potential problems. Also take this time to lubricate any moving parts so that the motors can run smoothly.

Wash Outdoor Units


The outdoor units require cleaning as much as indoor units. Debris such as grass, leaves, or sticks may block the vents and reduce the airflow. Use a hose to wash the units clean to prevent major buildup.

Check the Refrigerant


The refrigerant is what makes air conditioning possible. It’s a liquid agent that cools and dehumidifies the indoor air, and is more essential than ever during the summer season. HVAC units require different levels of refrigerant, so do a little research to use the proper amount. Too much or too little refrigerant will make your unit inefficient, reducing its ability to cool your home and potentially causing damage to the system.

Spring is the best time to take care of your HVAC, which will save you a lot of time and money when summer comes around. A little maintenance can go a long way, and if you need any help you can always schedule Fred, the first name in home repairs.