Fall Into Pumpkin Season: Getting Your Home Ready


Before you carve that jack-o-lantern, make sure you and your home are ready for fall by going through this checklist.

Check your heating systems. As we all know, autumn brings cooler temperatures so it’s important to check your heating system. Schedule a professional inspection for your HVAC unit or furnace. If you use a wood burning fireplace, have a professional inspect and clean your …

Preparing for Home Maintenance and Repair

Home Maintenance

Many equate owning a home with the stress of hefty repair costs. While house maintenance and upkeep can seem a heavy burden, it doesn’t have to be. Planning for the unexpected will save you money and headaches. The reality is that no matter how well you take care of your home, daily wear and tear inevitably leads to some problems that need fixing. Yet, there …

How to Choose the Best Home Improvement Specialist

Home Improvement Specialist

The process of hiring a professional can seem like a daunting task. Some go through extreme measures to avoid enlisting outside help by making attempts to do the job themselves with limited experience or even ignoring the problem until forced to address it. We wouldn’t suggest either option but we can offer advice on how and where to spot a reliable home repair specialist.
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